Roman Numeral - Roman Numerals Converter, Date & translation.

The Roman numeral converter allows you to quickly convert a classic Arabic numeral or number into Roman numeral or Roman numerals. To do this, simply indicate the number you wish to translate in the field provided below and then click on the conversion button. The result is then displayed directly and you have your roman numeral conversion.

Enter a number to convert to Roman numeral or vice versa

2025 is written MMXXV in Roman numerals

Counting with Roman numerals

Roman numerals and their different symbols

Counting with Roman numerals involves using a Roman numeral system, which uses specific symbols to represent numbers.

Roman numeration is a system of additive numbering that the Romans used thousands of years ago in which numerals and numbers correspond to different symbols that can be combined.

Basic symbols

Find below the list of the 7 symbols of Roman numeration.

  • I = one
  • V = five
  • X = ten
  • L = fifty
  • C = hundred
  • D = five hundred
  • M = thousand

Rules for counting with Roman numerals

Roman numerals are read from left to right, and the value of each symbol is added to the total, unless a symbol of lower value is placed before a symbol of higher value, in which case the lower value is subtracted.

If a lower value symbol is placed before a higher value symbol, its value is subtracted. For example, IV represents 4 (5 - 1) and IX represents 9 (10 - 1).

However, it is not possible to subtract a value from a symbol more than ten times. For example, 99 is XCIX (100 - 10 + 10 - 1), but 49 is not IL (50 - 1), but rather XLIX (50 - 10 + 1).

It is important to note that the Roman system does not have a zero, and it is not used to perform complex mathematical operations. It is mainly used for symbolic representations, such as in year numbers, century numbers, book chapters, etc.

Roman numerals from 1 to 20

Find below a list of Roman numerals up to 20 and their correspondence in Arabic numerals. You can also consult the roman numerals from 1 to 100.

Number Roman numeral In letters
1 I One
2 II Two
3 III Three
4 IV Four
5 V Five
6 VI Six
7 VII Seven
8 VIII Eight
9 IX Nine
10 X Ten
11 XI Eleven
12 XII Twelve
13 XIII Thirteen
14 XIV Fourteen
15 XV Fifteen
16 XVI Sixteen
17 XVII Dix-sept
18 XVIII Eighteen
19 XIX Nineteen
20 XX Twenty

Roman numerals from 1 to 100

Calculate large numbers in Roman numerals using the converter

If you want to convert a large Arabic number to Roman numerals, use the converter at the top of this page. Thanks to this, you will instantly obtain the correct corresponding Roman numeral.

You can also use the Roman numeral calculator to, for example, add or subtract years.

Roman numeral calculator

Use cases for Roman numerals

Roman numerals are relatively simple to use for small numbers. Today they are found very often in writing in general. To write a century for example (20th: 20th century) or to divide a text into different numbers or chapters (Chapter I, chapter II, etc.). They are mainly applied when you wish to carry out a small numbering such as for example for the names of kings (Louis IX, Henry III), queens (Elisabeth II, Cleopatra VII), or even popes (John Paul II, Benedict XVI).

Roman Numerals

But we also notice that Roman numerals are present in many other areas. The translation of a Roman numeral is rather common or banal. In sport, for example in rugby with the French XV or on the other side of the Atlantic with Super Bowl LIII, in watchmaking on watch dials, or even for all kinds of events.

Today, we see that Roman numerals are still used in many cases, many areas or many situations. Roman numerals are thousands of years old but they manage to cross the ages and fashions and over time. We find them incognito and everywhere.

Here are some cases where Roman numerals are still used.

Numbering of centuries and millennia

Roman numerals are sometimes used to indicate centuries and millennia, especially in historical contexts. For example, the 20th century is represented in Roman numerals as "XX century".

Indication of chapters and sections

In some academic publications, books or documents, Roman numerals may be used to number chapters, sections or parts of a work.

Notation of monarchical names

Roman numerals are traditionally used to indicate the serial number of a monarch with the same name. For example, Elizabeth II.

Indication of volumes and volumes

In publishing, Roman numerals may be used to number specific volumes, tomes or editions of a series.

Clocks and watches

Roman numerals are often used on clock and watch faces to represent times.

Preliminary page numbering

In books, Roman numerals are sometimes used to number preliminary pages, such as the table of contents, foreword, and introduction.

Design and decoration

Roman numerals are sometimes used in design and decoration, for example on wall clocks, building facades or architectural ornaments.

Although the use of Roman numerals is less common in everyday life, they continue to be present in certain areas where tradition, style or specific necessity dictate their use.

The Roman numeral through the ages

Roman numerals have allowed man to count for thousands of years thanks to symbols that can be combined with each other (I, V, X, L, C, D, M). But initially, these symbols were not exactly those we know today.

Roman numeral converter

For example, the hundred (100) represented by a C today as a Roman numeral was initially written as a crossed out X (Ж), then it evolved little by little over time. The same goes for almost all of the symbols that we currently know.

The history of the Roman numeral

Roman numerals have an ancient history, dating back to ancient Rome, where they were used as a numbering system. Here is a brief history of Roman numerals:

The origins

Roman numerals are derived from an ancient Etruscan system of numbering, borrowed by the Romans during the royal period. The Romans then adapted and developed this system to better meet their needs.

Basic symbols

The basic symbols in the Roman system were I, V, X, L, C, D and M, representing the values 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 respectively. These symbols were often engraved or written on surfaces such as tablets, inscriptions and official documents.


Roman numerals were widely used in daily life in the Roman Empire. They were used to note dates, amounts of money, sequence numbers, times on sundials, and many other applications.


The Roman number system had some limitations compared to more modern number systems, including the lack of the concept of zero and the lack of positional notation. This made mathematical calculations more complex.

Decline of the Roman numeral and survival

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, the use of Roman numerals declined across much of Europe, but they survived in various contexts. Roman numerals have been preserved in traditions, inscriptions, the Catholic Church, and later, in fields such as watchmaking, architecture, and publishing.

Western Roman Empire

Contemporary use of the Roman numeral

Today, although Roman numerals are not commonly used in mathematical calculations or in daily life, they persist in various fields, such as indicating centuries, chapter and section numbers, clocks, monuments, films, and other contexts where tradition or aesthetics play an important role.

In summary, Roman numerals have an ancient history rooted in ancient Rome, and although they have outlived their practical usefulness in many areas, they continue to be present in our contemporary culture and language.

How do we write 2025 in Roman numerals ?

Writing a date in Roman numerals is not always so simple when you don't know the right method. To do this, you can use the online Roman numeral converter at the top of the page. For the current year here is the result: 2025 is written MMXXV in Roman numerals

How do you write a date in Roman numerals?

The Roman numeral is today often used to write centuries but it can also be used to write specific years. Below are some examples of key years converted to Roman numerals.

  • Next year 2026 is written MMXXVI
  • Last year 2024 is written MMXXIV
  • 1789 (French Revolution) is written MDCCLXXXIX
  • The year the United States declared its independence 1776 is written MDCCLXXVI
  • 1945 (Year of end of World War II) is written MCMXLV

More dates in Roman numerals

Find out more on

Learn how to convert numbers into Roman numerals, solve addition and subtraction problems with Roman numerals, discover the history and origins of Roman numerals, these are the main features available on this site.

Do you like Roman numerals, or just want to learn more about Roman numerals? is a guide allowing you to count with Roman numerals which uses many examples to explain how they work since ancient Rome.

You want to use Roman numerals to count your age, the age of your children, or your grandchildren, engrave dates on objects, decode a story, etc... The Roman Numerals website is here to help you. Once you have learned these symbols, you will see them everywhere: in books, magazines, newspapers, on television or at events.

Roman numerals

On you will find everything you need to learn to write and count in Roman numerals. This exercise, although simple, is necessary for anyone who wants to understand the history of Roman numerals and in what context they are used today. With the Roman Numerals or Real Numerals Converter and the Roman Numerals you can quickly convert real numbers to Roman numerals or vice versa and use this knowledge in mathematics or other fields , such as physical sciences, architecture, chemistry and many others. is a site offering clearly examples, explanations and translations for using the Roman numeral. The first number indicates the number of decimal places, the following ones are used to express numbers composed of fractions. Roman numerals are read from Greek numerals going to the left. In documents written today, Roman numerals are still used a lot despite new technologies that have left their mark on our society for several years.

Whether you are looking to decipher an ancient inscription, add a classic touch to your artistic project, or simply satisfy your curiosity, is here to guide you through the mystical world of Roman numerals. Immerse yourself in history, learn to count, and discover the timeless charm of these symbols that have survived through the ages.